Sustainability Series
Our Sustainability Series of training sessions is aimed at those who are engaged with the built environment in the cultural sector. The built environment is often omitted from conversations about sustainability within the cultural sector. Sustainable management of the build environment is central to making the sector, society and environment healthier and more resilient. The Series supports the cultural sector to work towards its sustainable development goals and deliver effective change in building operations for organisations looking to produce thoughtful, robust and creative solutions.
What’s on
Delivering Sustainable Savings and cost efficiency when Managing Cultural Sector Buildings
Covid-19 response and recovery is producing further challenges to a sector which has been experiencing rising costs and other restrictions over many years. The Cultural Sector is having to search for further efficiencies, often following similar exercises in recent years. The buildings need to remain open in order to sustain revenue, but are there further opportunities to deliver savings through building operation?
This two-hour training session is aimed at anyone who is responsible for the cultural sector built environment. It will explore opportunities to be cost efficient in key areas of building operation, utilisation and development. The session will draw on case studies and set out pragmatic strategies while expanding on the broader thinking on cost efficiency in building operation, maintenance and construction. Attendees will have the opportunity in the session to discuss the training content and bring their own experiences of delivering cost efficiency.
Course Outline / Topics Covered
– Context Setting
– Methodology for Prioritising Change
– Service Procurement
– Outsourced Service Management
– Effective Teams
– Efficient use of Information
– The Changing Workplace
– Energy Utilisation
– Prioritising Building Maintenance
– Prioritising Front of House Operations
– Lifecycle Costing
– Considering more than Finances
GMTVia Zoom
Delivering Environmental Sustainability through Cultural sector Building Operation and Development
COVID-19 is changing how cultural sector buildings operate. With these changes come opportunities to rethink the relationship between us, the built environment and the natural world. Ambitious change is needed to transform us into a zero-net emissions society in order to reduce the effects of climate change. Cultural sector estates have an important part to play in this transformation. The relationship between cultural sector buildings and the environment has often overlooked in favour of more visible changes. Buildings will need to adapt to changing climates while building operations need to reduce their own impact.
This two-hour training session will provide guidance for those caring for cultural sector buildings on how they can deliver change in support of their organisation’s sustainability goals. Attendees will consider case studies and broader thinking on cost efficient strategies in sustainable building operation, maintenance and construction.The session will also consider strategies for communicating and collaborating in order to deliver the change within their institution.
How do I attend the training session?
To attend the training, please purchase a follow the link above to our Eventbrite page. Before the event, all attendees will be sent an email with a Zoom link. Please follow the Zoom link to join the session.
Who can I contact to find out about Mortice Sustainability Series
For all enquiries please contact [email protected]
What is the refund policy?
Refunds will be given up to 24 hours before the event
Who can attend this training session?
The event is open to anyone but is designed for anyone who has an interest in or is engaged with built environment in the cultural sector and is interested to learn more about or pursue environmental sustainable strategies.
What is your privacy policy?
The details you provide will be processed in line with the Mortice Consulting’s GDPR obligations.