Our research on the the cultural sector and wider politics ensures that we can advise our clients on how to best navigate the trends, ideas and technologies that are changing this sector. We believe that top-quality research allows our clients to make the best decisions to care for their buildings, collection, staff and visitors.
Our Offer
We conduct research alongside our client based work in order to keep up to date with the sector so we can best guide our clients. We also conduct research specific to clients and their projects either as part of a project or as a separate piece of work. All areas of our services consists of an element of benchmarking and research to ensure our client based work is well-informed and current.
Some of our Projects

Covid-19 Museum Closures and Reopening Research and Mapping
As the global pandemic, COVID-19, spread around the globe, the world gradually went into lockdown. The UK was forced into lockdown, non key-workers had to work from home and non-essential buildings, including museums and galleries, were shut. This unprecedented crisis on a global level has demanded research on a global scale on the ways in which international museums are responding and adapting to this pandemic.
We tracked and mapped out when and how museum sites were opening as the first lockdown eased around the world in 2020. We tracked which measures were implemented by which museums/galleries. Our research created a global picture of the cultural sector’s response to the pandemic. See the tracker here.

Museums Sustainability Policies Research and Benchmarking
It has become imperative that museums adopt actionable sustainability strategies however, there lacks any clear consistencies in how museums across the UK are managing this transition.
We conducted a survey of UK’s local and national museums’ sustainability policies, achievements and targets. This benchmarking guides our work with clients as we are able to identify the way in which the sector is navigating the guidelines and legal requirements.
This process is ongoing and as the change in our climate becomes more apparent benchmarking and researching both the policies and outcomes has become a key output.